Sometimes the most creative and coolest pieces of art, are made of stuff other then paint and other conventional art materials. Don't get me wrong I love using paint as much as the next art student, but sometimes it's fun to break out of the normal art supplies and create art with other items that other people haven't experimented with yet. Yes using unconventional art materials can be risky and could result in disaster, but why be safe with charcoal or paint, when you can have way more fun outside the art supplies box.
For example 2 of my projects in art 2 didn't use art supplies. The first one was a portrait of Sands made entirely out of red solo cups. The other one was a zonkey made with concrete, sticks, and cardboard.

Why have a boring dinosaur when you can make one out of balloons?
Or Mona Lisa out of peanut butter and jelly?
Maybe Ice Cube made out of Ice Cubes?
All in all I think its better to take risks and be creative with unconventional art supplies rather than being a boring art student stuck using paint and other fine art supplies.